How Interest Rates Can Impact Your Home Buying Costs
Interest rates are one of the most crucial factors in determining the true cost of buying a home. Even a small shift in rates can have a lasting impact on your mortgage payments and overall home affordability. Let’s dive into the ways interest rates influence the cost of homeownership and what buyers should keep in mind as they navigate today’s market.
Buying A Home In A High-Interest Rate Environment
For most of the last decade, interest rates were low, and home prices were high, which meant people could afford a house if they could get financing. However, inflation has heated up over the past few months, and interest rates have followed suit. If you're looking to buy a house in 2023, the interest rates will likely be higher than last year.
Three Reasons To Buy A House In Winter
Winter has always been my favorite season in Manhattan. Enjoying the lights on Poyntz Avenue, ice skating at City Park, watching college basketball, lighting a fire in the fireplace, the occasional layer of snow, and wearing a stocking hat are a few of my favorite winter things! Purchasing a home in winter can also be a great experience that benefits you and your family. Understanding why winter buying can be advantageous will help guide your home purchasing decision. Below are practical reasons why winter can be a great time to buy a home.
Should you buy a home in 2022?
Short answer; Yes, if conditions are right. The long answer has to deal a lot more with your specific situation.