
Grant - March 2022

School: Riley County High School
Subject/Area of Influence: Music/Art
Cost of Grant: $506.00
Student Impact: 50

My music classes focus on learning how to appreciate differences through various music experiences. We learn about American music and cultures through the ages and how the music of a time period reflects the culture and feelings of the time. I would love to teach these classes different instruments to play this music, including piano, singing, and ukulele. We have used ukuleles to even compose our own music. Ukulele is a very accessible instrument that students can quickly grasp and feel successful with, even if music is new to them. The long-term impact of learning the ukulele for my students would be learning how to be creative, try something new, express themselves through an art form, work with others, relieve stress, and provide feelings of accomplishment and focus.

Ashley Peery - High School Teacher


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