Rock Wall Climbing Trip

Grant - April 2022

School: Eisenhower Middle School
Subject/Area of Influence: Special Education
Cost of Grant: $125.00
Student Impact: 22

We would like the opportunity to take our special needs learning strategy class rock climbing at the K-State Rock Wall as a reward for meeting their individual education plan goals. I had the opportunity about 5 years ago to take a group of special needs students to the wall, The impact was significant. At the beginning, none of my students said they could reach the bell at the top of the wall, and at the end of our time they had all rung the bell. They learned that could do something they never thought was possible because they put forward the effort and didn't give up. Years later, I still have had those kids come back and tell me how meaningful that day was. All year in my room, we talk about how we all have our own hills to climb and that it takes a positive mindset and teamwork to get there. This really takes the message home.

Shanda Montgomery - Middle School Teacher


Extra Large Wall Clock

