Mobile/Adjustable Desks

Grant - July 2022

School: Eisenhower Middle School
Subject/Area of Influence: Special Education
Cost of Grant: $479.36

The purpose for this grant proposal is to enhance the learning environment by providing workspace options that will allow my students to move freely throughout the classroom in a way that will accommodate their physical, mental, and emotional needs at the time. I work with students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. The students I work with have a range of abilities and needs. The majority of my students have a higher level of needs than other Resource Room students. Although my students do still spend the majority of their time in the general education setting, they often will come to my classroom to do their work. My classroom provides an environment that allows them to move around freely, fidget as needed, take sensory breaks, have more options for seating and desks, and be in an environment with with people, noise, and distractions. Having desks that are both mobile and adjustable will provide many benefits for my students. As a teachers who works with many students who struggle with ADHD, as well as a variety of other needs, that make it difficult for them to sit still, these desks would have multiple benefits in my classroom. The mobile aspect of these desks will allow students to move around freely and fidget as needed. Students can stay actively engaged in learning while also meeting their movement needs. Having desks that move will also help the transition process, as students will not have to pick up and move everything. Students can also move their desks to collaborate with others, go ask a teacher or classmate for help, or move to an area of the room that will allow them to be more successful. The ability to adjust their desk to both seating and standing options whenever they like will help to keep students from zoning after sitting for a long stretch. Students can also choose and move to different seating options with these adjustable desks, the desks can meeting their level while working standing up, sitting in a chair, on a stool, or on a yoga ball. Research has shown that even something as simple as a standing desk can help students to gain independence and self regulation skills. The ability to self regulate is such an important skill and I want my students to have access to a variety of tools in my classroom that will allow them to gain more independent skills in self regulations, I believe these desks would be very beneficial for this purpose.

Thank you so much for your consideration and for everything you do for EMS, the USD 383 school district, and the community as a whole.

Krysten Schuller - Middle School Teacher


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