High-Interest Decodable Books

Grant - April 2022

School: Woodrow Wilson Elementary School
Subject/Area of Influence: Reading/Language Arts
Cost of Grant: $204
Student Impact: 70

I work with students K-5 who are struggling readers. Research shows that students need ample opportunities to read text at their level to maintain the skills they have learned through targeted phonics intervention. A challenge that I have faced for years is wanting to encourage them to read and maintain their skills but struggling to find texts that they can decode (sound out) on their own. High Noon Books is an amazing company that makes books that are of high-interest to students but contain words that students can sound out independently. I would like to purchase two phonics-based text sets from this website: Sound Out Nonfiction Collection and the Sound Out InfoMag Series. My vision is that students could check these books out from me to take home and practice reading. They would get to select their own book--just like picking out a library book. My students often get embarrassed because their reading level is so low and most of the books that would be on their level are seen as "baby-ish". Please help me to give my students back their dignity and ignite their love for reading! These books would be shared between me and our SPED teachers.

Allie Amick - At-Risk Teacher


Social Work Alms Grant


Traci Johnson