CPR Mannequins

Grant - February 2022

School: Rock Creek High School
Rock Creek Middle School
St. George Elementary
Westmoreland Elementary
Subject/Area of Influence: Physical Education
Students Impacted:1286
Cost of Grant: $668

Currently the school district is having to borrow CPR Manikins to fulfill our staff and student training needs for CPR certification. I recently completed my CPR trainer certification so that I, as the school nurse, can teach this course to our staff at no cost to them. My goal is to have EVERY staff person in our district CPR certified. Having our own manikin supply streamlines the process of scheduling training events and allows the flexibility to have last minute classes as staff schedules allow. Additionally, the manikins will be used for our 9th grader's health classes which includes a component on "hands only" introduction to CPR and responding to emergency situations. As a school in a rural setting, it regularly takes 20 minutes for emergency services to arrive and offer assistance. Every additional person that is CPR trained, makes our whole school system better prepared to act and save a life.

Kathryn Ryan- CPR Training Coordinator


Adaptive PE Equipment


Stacey Williams