Small Group Seating

Grant - October 2022

School: Eisenhower Middle School
Subject/Area of Influence: General Education
Cost of Grant: $242.58

Purchasing a trapezoid table to create a small group collaborative area in my Math classroom will not only empower students to explore small group opportunities to deepen their conceptual understanding of math and our world, but it will provide for one of my high need learner groups: English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). With each year, I see bright new students who are ready to learn. Sadly, many experience the English language as a barrier to education. Our ESOL program is working very hard to provide equitability for those learners. We can create a space for our ESOL students to interact Paras in tandem with the English speakers of the class. This would benefit not only them, but the entire class. It will also be an excellent location for small group differentiation and discussion for all students.

Laura Witt - Middle School Teacher


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