Job Olympics

Grant - January 2022

School: All Area Schools
Subject/Area of Influence: Special Education
Students Impacted: 150
Cost of Grant: $500.00

Transition Coordinators from five area schools USD 321, USD 320, USD 383, USD 475, and USD 273 work together to organize and fundraise to put on an event called Job Olympics. Job Olympics is a competition for special education students from area high schools to compete in up to 4 job skill and independent living skill events. The top three placers in each event will earn a medal. Parents, guardians and family members are welcome to attend and support their student. This event not only allows special education students to learn skills that promote independence and employment skills, but also gives students a sense of pride in a fun competitive environment with other students with disabilities.

Tammy Steele - Special Ed Transition Coordinator


Sewing and Knitting Club


Jamee Schwartz