Generation Genius (Science Videos)

Grant - October 2021

School: Northview Elementary
Subject/Area of Influence: STEM
Cost of Grant: $125.00

I am currently trying out a free month of Generation Genius, a website that provides educational videos, lesson plans, activities and more for a variety of math and science topics. I am only interested in a subscription to the science portion. This website has videos and lessons that align to the Project Lead the Way curriculum used in all district elementary STEM classrooms. During my trial month I have used the videos to engage my students deeper in the topics they are learning about in class. I also plan to utilize the activities provided to compliment the video lessons and our district curriculum. Having a subscription means I have quality videos to show my students and will not need to rely on Youtube for educational content, which can often be problematic. Thank you for your consideration in helping to enhance the learning in my STEM classroom.

Kira Pearce - Middle School Teacher


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