Coffee Talk-Fair Trade

Grant - September 2022

School: Koinonia Coop
Subject/Area of Influence: General Education
Cost of Grant: $657.83

Classroom needs include a barista machine, variety of roasted coffees and a smoothie/juicing machine. In addition, funds (gas, coffee beans...) for a field trip to The Roastery in Kansas City.

The impact we hope to achieve with the students is a developed passion for the coffee industry with an understanding of fair trade and eco friendly approaches. Our desire is to see students together create a coffee shop model that has an environment that richly encourages relationship building. We want to explore areas of conversation that draw multigenerational dreams together. We have lots of stars in our eyes and can’t wait to see where this elective class goes.

Melinda Keeling - Middle School Teacher


Kelly Allen


TVs and Mounts for Small Learning Spaces