Circle Time Rug

Grant - June 2022

School: Amanda Arnold Elementary
Subject/Area of Influence: School Supplies
Cost of Grant: $290.00

In primary grades especially, having a rug serves as a great anchor for the classroom community and there are so many benefits! Utilizing a rug naturally incorporates movement breaks for students as they rotate between carpet instruction and seat work. Not only is it more comfortable for the students, it allows them a defined space to sit. Students are often asked to turn and talk to their peers while on the carpet; building classroom community and social connections. Additionally, having students gathered on a rug often results in increased student focus and decreased distractions. When students are doing partner work or playing games, they want to be on the rug! We gather on the rug before enjoying read alouds together.

As you can tell, large sections of the day center around time on the rug! Thank you for your consideration of helping me add this important item to my classroom!

Sam Cool - 1st Grade Teacher


EMS Cheer Club


Kris Dillon